Empowering Women in Oromia, Ethiopia Rural Areas
Columbus Rotary Club proudly supports C.G. Women’s Empowerment (CGWE) empowering women with cows and its mission to create economic self-sufficiency for women, children, and entire villages in Ethiopia’s Oromia region. Without intervention, women are unable to earn a sustainable, living wage—giving way to intergenerational cycles of abuse, poverty, and disenfranchisement. Dabaree/reciprocity project led by Rotarian Dureti (Mimi) Tadesse and water well project led by Rotarian Jackie Cooper.
To learn more about CGWE, why and how we empower women visit www.cgweafrica.com

Rafiki Orphanage in Kenya
Rafiki Children’s Center outside of Nairobi Kenya is an orphanage for poor Kenyan children who have lost parents to AIDS and other circumstances outside of their control. It is also the home of the Rafiki Academy, grades pre-school to eight, with a School of Art and Music, as well as a farm that supports both. Our club has sponsored this project continuously for 20 years since its inception.
To learn more about the Rafiki Orphanage, please visit www.rafikichildrencenter.org

Schools in Guatemala
The Columbus Rotary Club proudly supports the Central Ohio Professional Chapter of Engineers Without Borders (EWB-COh) and their mission to help developing communities find appropriate solutions to their infrastructure needs. Championed by Rotarian, Amanda Engle, EWB-COh has constructed transportation projects in El Salvador, water supply projects Cameroon and schools in Guatemala.
To learn more about the EWB-COh current project, please visit www.ewb-coh.org.

Water Access in Tanzania
The Columbus Rotary Club proudly supports the Sustainable and Resilient Communities (SRC) Program at The Ohio State University and their mission to support rural communities access clean water. Championed by Dr. Patrick Sours and Dr. Michael Hagenberger, SRC has supported the construction and implementation of multiple water access projects with the rural Maasai community of Marwa in Tanzania.
To learn more about the current project, please visit: https://engineering.osu.edu/news/2023/10/buckeyes-committed-solving-marwas-water-crisis.